Jacob Toth
Jacob Toth

Jacob Toth

Jacob has been associated with Temple Theatre since 2011.  He started at Temple Theatre as the choreographer of Guys and Dolls and has been involved with 13 productions here since that time. Most recently, he has been given the honor to move into a new role as Associate Artistic Director/Director of Education.

Originally from Ohio, he received his Bachelor of Music degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. As a freelance Director/Choreographer he has worked all over the United States earning awards and nominations and has staged over 100 productions.

Having lived in New York City for 18 years he has had the opportunity to work with Theme Parks, Production Revues, Industrials and Special Events, High Schools and Colleges, onboard Royal Caribbean Ships, Dream Works and 
numerous theatres worldwide.

He began coming to Sanford during Peggy’s first season in 2007 working with the Temple Teens and finally after some persistence on Peggy’s part, he is now happy to call Temple Theatre and Sanford his home.

He is a proud and longstanding member of Actors’ Equity Association and Stage Directors and Choreographers Society.

Jacob believes one of his greatest achievements is being able to travel the world teaching theatre and dance and helping people of all ages trust and believe in themselves.

Temple Theatre Credits

Away in the Basement[crew] ChoreographerDecember 5-22, 2019
Oliver![crew] ChoreographerSeptember 12-29, 2019
Grease[crew] ChoreographerApr. 25 - May. 12, 2019
A Second Helping[crew] ChoreographerJan. 10 - Feb. 3, 2019
Ghost the Musical[crew] ChoreographerOct. 18 - Nov. 4, 2018
Footloose[crew] ChoreographerSep. 14 - Oct. 1, 2017
Legally Blonde[crew] ChoreographerApr. 27 - May. 14, 2017
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